Happy 63rd Independence Day
BRDECO New Materials wish all Malaysian citizens Happy 63rd Independence Day

The heart-shaped logo with the color Jalur Gemilang, symbolizes the government's concern for Malaysians of various races.
Heart-shaped logo
symbolizes the Malaysian Government's concern for the multiracial community.
Dark blue color
The unity of the hearts of Malaysians of various races lives in peace and harmony.
Islam is the religion of the federation.
Broken Star 14
Unity of 13 begeri and Federal government.
7 Red and White-shaped lines
The intertwining of courage and readiness in facing all obstacles with sincerity and earnestness.
Bunga Raya Stigma
Leading the country to the pinnacle of success.
5 red dots
As symbolic to the 5 hibiscus petals that illustrate the 5 principles of Rukun Negara which is the key to multi-racial unity.
'Malaysia' carries the meaning of all Malaysians joining hands to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, whether civil servants, the private sector, volunteers or individuals. "'Caring', on the other hand, represents the government's concern in prioritizing the well-being and welfare of the people through the initiative of the People's Concerned Economic Stimulus Package (PRIHATIN) which includes the economic, welfare and survival aspects of Malaysians,
National Day 2020 theme song titled 'Malaysia Prihatin' ; created by Dato 'Mokhzani Ismail and lyrics by El Sol Akhmad.

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